[hal-04969556] Evaluation de la durabilité de fermes laitières AB avec ou sans transformation à la ferme
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Manon André) 27 Feb 2025
[hal-04953689] Les « transitions » à l'épreuve de leur part matérielle et écologique. Ébauche d’un agenda de recherche pour une sociologie politique des matérialités
L’omniprésence des ressources minérales et métalliques dans nos sociétés industrielles mondialisées, et l’ampleur des volumes de matières extraits du sous-sol, correspondent à une phase d’exploitation de la nature sans précédent dans l’histoire de l’humanité. A l’heure de la crise écologique, et contrairement aux promesses de dématérialisation et de réduction des impacts écologiques qu’elles portent, les « transitions » énergétiques, numériques ou bioéconomiques et circulaires reposent paradoxalement sur des besoins croissants en énergies et en matières. Celles-ci correspondent moins en réalité à une logique de substitution et de réduction, qu’à une accumulation renouvelée et exponentielle de sources énergétiques et de ressources matérielles. Cela se traduit par la quête effrénée de nouvelles ressources, en particulier minérales, lithiques et métalliques, et par le réinvestissement de volumes et d’entités géologiques dont l’exploitation était jusque récemment jugée peu rentable, mais aussi par la requalification économique, juridique et politique de matières et de territoires jusqu’alors non exploités. Pourtant, la part matérielle et écologique de nos objets, infrastructures et énergies reste encore aujourd’hui largement invisibilisée : de la production de ces ressources, à leur transformation, leur circulation, leur consommation, mais aussi leur déjection à l’issue de leur cycle de vie. Partant du constat de cette matérialité sociale et écologique de sociétés, tout aussi cruciale que tenue « hors de vue », cette communication invite à explorer le rapport entre les agendas de transitions, les transformations globales des sols et sous-sols exploités, et la trajectoire des matérialités qui les constitue – laquelle est éminemment politique, et nécessite donc pour la sociologie politique de travailler à inclure ces volumes souterrains et entités matérielles « plus qu’humaines » dans son champ de recherche.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sylvain Le Berre) 18 Feb 2025
[hal-04735522] Exploring residents’ willingness-to-pay for benefits provided by Sustainable Drainage Systems
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) have increasingly been used in the recent years since they help adapt cities to climate change and make them more sustainable and resilient. Since they are multifunctional, these stormwater control measures provide numerous benefits. However, the question of acceptability by inhabitants remains partially open. This article seeks to assess preferences of the inhabitants living nearby with regards to SuDS implemented on public land. It relies on a discrete choice experiments whose attributes are the different benefits provided by SuDS. The study was conducted in the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg (France). Results show a strong preference for a reduction of urban heat island effects as well as flood prevention and water protection. Based on a latent class model, we also highlight the heterogeneous nature of the preferences. These results are important for the acceptance of environmental programs and a better guarantee of desirable and effective results.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Bénédicte Rulleau) 14 Oct 2024
[hal-04289543] Determinants of sustainable drainage systems adoption: evidence from a household survey in France
Part of the success of climate change adaptation strategies relies on the accurate identification of barriers and incentives to the installation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) by private individuals. To identify the variables influencing that willingness, we carried out a questionnaire-based survey in the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg (France). Descriptive statistics on the 359 responses highlight, in particular, a lack of knowledge about rainwater management. Those who have already installed one SuDS identify both economic and environmental advantages. Results of a binomial logit show that, unlike socio-economic characteristics of respondents, variables of perception influence the willingness of households to adopt SuDS. Social norms play an important role and a spatial adoption contagion is observed but the word of mouth phenomenon does not seem to be present. This study adds new insights into understanding what is needed to encourage households to install SuDS of their own and mainstream these blue-green infrastructures.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Bénédicte Rulleau) 16 Nov 2023
[hal-04780396] Social comparison nudges: What actually happens when we are told what others do?
Social comparison nudges, known to bring about behavioral change, rely on providing information to agents about other agents' decisions or expectations regarding specific actions. Although the procedure consists in transmitting true information, it classically implies a reduction of the transmitted reality: the information provided about others is an average, a proportion, a percentile. What would happen if, instead, full information were shared on what all others do (as nudged agents might legitimately expect), and what would this tell us about how nudges actually work? We assume that cognitive biases occur unintentionally when the information provided is incomplete. By mobilizing Akerlof's (1997) model of social distance, accurately describing polarization effects in social decision-making, we show how the nudge-information conveyed can then act as a decoy: effective in triggering behavioral change, but giving rise to renewed ethical considerations. We illustrate our conjectures with a randomized controlled trial in the context of pesticide use in agriculture in which winegrowers receiving full information about their co-workers' performances are compared with growers receiving the more conventional average performance. After showing that the two differ in their understanding of what others do, we show in the field that the latter nudge induces change unmet by the former.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Yann Raineau) 13 Nov 2024
[hal-04154920] Green Insurance for Pesticide Reduction: Acceptability and Impact for French Viticulture
Green insurance is an innovative tool to help producers manage (perceived) risks of transitioning to more environmentally-friendly crop management strategies. It is is not yet part of the agricultural policy toolbox nor is it marketed privately on a large scale. We here investigated the best design, uptake determinants and potential pesticide reduction from green insurance for a decision support system (DSS) for pesticide reduction in grape-vine production. This is an important example, as pesticide use reduction is high on the agricultural policy agenda and grape-vine production is a major contributor to global pesticide use. For our analysis, we conducted a Discrete Choice Experiment with 412 French vine growers. We find that 48% to 60% of growers are likely to subscribe to green insurance, with differences across contract types and prices. Producers transitioning to organic production are the most interested in the contract. All types of producers exhibit on average lower interest for group contracts and index-based insurance than for the traditional individual loss-based contract. Using data from field experiments on DSS performance in reducing fungicide use, we estimate that adopters could reduce their fungicide use by 45% on average. Our results suggest that green insurance could be a cost-effective tool to advance ambitious EU Green Deal pesticide policy goals, and more broadly, support the transformation to more environmentally-friendly farming practices.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marianne Lefebvre) 25 Nov 2024
[halshs-04917718] Back to the ground. Knowledge, Politics and Practices of remaking Earth Strata
Soils and the underground have long been viewed, and tapped into, as mere reservoirs of organic and mineral resources, or a taken-for-granted site where societies could permanently bury a range of unwanted waste and residues – ranging from domestic and nuclear wastes to CO2 surplus (Kearnes and Rickards, 2017). Contrasting with this focus on soil and the underground, this book aims to produce empirical, critical, and speculative insights into the rise of alternative experimentations, projects and initiatives aiming to reconstitute, replenish, regenerate and care for Earth strata at various levels. While experts are warning that soil degradation rates are accelerating and threatening to bypass several of the Earth boundaries (Steffen, 2015), soils and the underground are also increasingly being reinvested in a number of collective projects and speculative initiatives aiming to foster ways out of the current fossil fuel economy and the associated ecological and climate crisis. This volume thus addresses the joint becoming of soils and the underground by considering how a range of contemporary initiatives and experimentations are fostering new collectives, practices and sensitivities that bring a fresh look on soil, land and underground-based promises of sustainability and transition. This book takes its inspiration from social sciences and humanities scholarship that develop critical and political accounts of the unacknowledged presence of soils and the underground in social existence (Puig de la Bellacasa; Donovan and Bobette; Krzywoszynska ; Clark). Scholarship in the social sciences and humanities therefore increasingly pays attention to soils not only as a surface and background for human existence but also as a tridimensional ecosystem and volume with its own biogeochemical animacy and physical liveliness (Elden, 2013; Adey, 2013; Clark, 2013, 2016 ; Bridge, 2013; Kama and Kuchler, 2019; Billé, 2020). This reframing of the ground’s relations to social life has led to the emergence of two distinct sets of literature. On the one hand, the underground and deeper layers of subsoi have fostered a quite abundant literature, inspired by Foucauldian approaches and political ecology (Kinchy et al., 2018; Bobbette and Donovan, 2019), that unpacked the role of knowledge discourses and instruments in assembling underground resources and materialities; on the other hand, recent writing in the environmental humanities started focusing on the living soils – i.e. the fertile layers of soils where plants grow – in an attempt to enrich social sciences understanding of our interconnectedness with belowground living beings and ecologies (Puig de la Bellacasa, 2019 ; Salazar et al., 2020). However these two bodies of literature have seldom encountered and discussed each other. This book aims to open up a space for a dialog and cross-fertilisation between both strands of literature. More than an addition of perspectives, the book invites to elaborate new transversal lines of research that bring altogether hybrid processes and entities usually kept separated. The introduction sets the stage for a collective inquiry in which interdisciplinary and creative research plays a lead role. This book builds on this scholarship but also takes a different path and develops a different story. We aim instead to experiment with thinking in terms of de-stratification issues and processes, and re-stratification efforts and initiatives aiming to regenerate, reshape and replenish the Earth strata, as various communities and groups attempt to put carbon back into the ground, to remediate pollution by various means, or to re-fertilise soils. Following Deleuze and Guattari (1980), and Nigel Clark’s recent writings, we start from the observation of a deeply ‘de-stratified’ Earth as soils and subsoil have been disturbed and ‘turned inside out for centuries and millennia’ (Clark and Szerzynski, 2021). If a ‘stratum’ is a political articulation between a state of nature and a state of the social and the economy, emerging strata pave the way for studying a diversity of processes of rearticulating Earth. If followed attentively, these processes of stratification and de-stratification may open up new ecological loops from which new collectives, practices and sensitivities emerge. New questions emerge from these transitory ways of living on and with a de-stratified Earth: What does it mean to live on a de-stratified Earth? How do people negotiate their ordinary attachments to a turbulent Earth? How can we deal with what melts, flows, breaks away, accumulates, contaminates? These questions will be tackled through a various set of methodologies from ethnographic case studies, the history of geology and the soil science, the sociology of expertise, but also the visual arts and science-fiction literature. Doing so, we aim to understand how soils and the underground come to be known, sensed, felt, assembled, managed and inhabited not only in terms of taken-for-granted reservoirs of mineral and organic resources, but also in terms of various emerging practices, collectives and sensitivities aiming to regenerate and reconstitute Earth strata in a time of climate and ecological crisis. These emerging socialities, practices and sensitivities contribute to the composition of new ‘Gaïan collectives’ (Krzywoszynska, 2021) and ‘Earthly multitudes’ (Clark and Szerszynski, 2020) whose analysis will constitute an original contribution of this book.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Olivier Labussiere) 28 Jan 2025
[halshs-04894586] Restoring Wetlands in Alpine Ski Resorts- The Biopolitics of Water, Land and Snow
In the Northern Alps, marshes and wetlands have long been viewed in terms of unhealthy and unproductive sites. In a landscape of steep slopes and rocky summits, they occupy indeed the most convenient sites for building roads, villages or ski resorts, as well as for mowing and grazing. Buried or drained and dried up, their functioning has been deeply disturbed by trampling, water diversion or damming. Yet today Alpine wetlands and peatlands are increasingly considered as fragile and endangered sites in need for attention and care. Protected by the international RAMSAR convention (Convention on Wetlands of International Importance) already since 1971, the role of wetlands in hydrological patterns (water circulation and filtering) and ecological functioning (habitat for amphibious biodiversity) was more recently emphasized in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2005), and is attracting a growing interest from mountain managers and researchers. How did this happen? How did those places come to be seen and dealt with, formerly as unproductive, unhealthy and disgusting areas – their destruction considered as part of the “move toward civilization” (Fromageau, 1998) – and now as fragile, beautiful and highly functional ecosystems? Our contribution unpacks the material and discursive place-making processes that have been turning wetlands into functional mixes of land of water in need of attention and care. Ecological functionality has become a powerful category justifying the development of a new politic of conservation with a strong emphasis on the functions and “services” rendered by ecosystems and biodiversity; yet little attention has been given to the types of material and affective encounters involved in (re)making nature as ecologically functional and productive in the field, and which sort of biopolitics is involved.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Céline Granjou) 17 Jan 2025
[hal-04805025] Approaching local residents' demand regarding pesticide use
This paper develops a contingent valuation method which provides the willingness-to-pay (WTP) valuesfor three potential policy measures to reduce pesticide use in wine growing in France, with a residential perspective. The survey was conducted among the population of two wine-growing territories in the French Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, as well as inhabitants of close urban centres who may use these territories for recreational purposes. Respondents were provided with a hypothetical scenario of three policy measures, to which they were asked to financially contribute on a voluntary basis, through a regional fund. Each respondent was asked to indicate their WTP for the three policy measures. The results show that - residents of winegrowing municipalities who live less than 500m from vineyards, those who went to vineyard for their outdoor recreational activities, and people under the age of 45 - tend to perceive a benefit from the implementation of at least one of such measures. We also find that the stated values of CAP are lower for: respondents who have been living in the region for less than 5 years; those aged under 60; and those indicating to regularly buy organic wine. By aggregating the individual WTP values for the entire population concerned, it is possible to estimate the monetary value of the gain in social well-being for residents, implied by a policy aimed at reducing pesticide use.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Tina Rambolinaza) 26 Nov 2024
[halshs-04917698] Earthly rythms, loops and leaks: lessons from a collective investigation (chapter 14)
This book proposes an interdisciplinary investigation into contemporary ground-based promises of a green transition. In the context of ongoing earthly troubles, these promises have been approached through the processes of de-stratification and re-stratification in which they unfold. The postface reflects on the lessons learned from the various chapters. Throughout the contributions, the notions of “loops,” “leaks,” and “rhythms” emerge as critical tools for analyzing how and why the processes of strata formation are political. These notions materialize our relations with broader earthly “cycles” in space and time. The bio-geo-socio-chemical “loops” generated in pursuit of ecological transition represent a process of entre-capture: They incorporate earthly “cycles” into the infrastructure of human ways of life while simultaneously situating humans within an unpredictable material world. These notions invite a reimagining of strata, highlighting the political and often precarious entanglements through which people and the ground connect and co-constitute one another.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Olivier Labussiere) 28 Jan 2025
[halshs-04917679] Exploring geosocial stratification in times of earthly troubles (introductory chapter)
The road to the green transition is paved with planetary, soil and ground-based developments – such as biofuels, geothermal energy, carbon capture and storage, mineral extraction. These emerging geo-social-technical potentials engage more than one stratum at a time and create specific interplays of land, soil and underground that generate sometimes unexpected ecological cycles and feedback with the atmosphere, the hydro-system and the living realm. This book builds upon concepts and methods from humanities and social sciences to explore these emerging geosocial strata in the context of climate change. Taking inspiration from geosocial approaches to the underground, soil new materialisms and a relational approach to Earth strata, it organizes an interdisciplinary inquiry around three key questions: what does-it mean to live on a de-stratified Earth? How earthly re-stratification technologies develop? What practices and sensitivities to the Earth emerge from bottom-up experiences?
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Olivier Labussiere) 28 Jan 2025
[hal-04661468] Robust optimal design of a tree-based water distribution network with intermittent demand
This paper discusses the design of a tree-shaped water distribution system for small, dispersed rural communities. It revisits the topic that was discussed in the literature and is nowadays implemented in the field. It proposes a new approach to pipe selection based on robust optimization to account for the uncertainty inherent in intermittent demands. It also proposes a fast projected reduced Newton method of calculating stationary flows to test the performance of the networks thus designed by Monte-Carlo simulation. Numerical experiments conducted on real study cases have shown promising results both in terms of quality and performance of the generated robust solutions and in terms of computation time for simulations.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Frédéric Babonneau) 24 Jul 2024
[hal-04853330] Let go of the reins, let yourself be guided : easy and secure installation of eLabFTW
The CNRS, a multidisciplinary research institution, launched a service offer in 2023 for the implementation of an electronic laboratory notebook based on an open source tool, eLabFTW. This offer is structured around two solutions : a Cloud SaaS (Software as a Service) offer and an On Premise offer, locally. It is on this On Premise offer that a working group, composed of Bordeaux IT specialists from the RAISIN network attached to the RESINFO federation of Systems and Network Administrators (ASR) profession networks of the Higher Education and Research community, was formed at the end of 2023 to work on a solution project in order to offer support for an on-site deployment. In this article, we will offer you a secure architecture with the details of the configuration steps, while remaining compliant with the technical requirements of the CNRS and current security.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Richard Ferrere) 22 Dec 2024
[hal-04853679] Lâchez les rênes, laissez-vous guider : installation facilitée et sécurisée d'eLabFTW
Ce poster intitulé « Lâchez les rênes, laissez vous guider : installation facilitée et sécurisée d'eLabFTW » et basé sur un article a été exposé et discuté aux Journées Réseaux de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche (JRES) de Rennes en décembre 2024. Un groupe de travail des informaticiens ASR du réseau de métier régional RAISIN (Bordeaux) a réalisé ce poster pour vous proposer un résumé d’un modèle d’accompagnement sur le déploiement et la configuration du logiciel eLabFTW dans une unité de recherche, et ce en adéquation avec les consignes de sécurité du CNRS.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (R Ferrere) 22 Dec 2024
[hal-04893979] Lâchez les rênes, laissez vous guider : Installation facilitée et sécurisée d'eLabFTW
Le cahier de laboratoire électronique fait évoluer nos pratiques dans le monde de la recherche. Le CNRS a choisi la solution Open Source eLabFTW avec deux offres (SaaS et On Premise), afin de répondre aux critères de traçabilité, sécurité, confidentialité et pérennité des résultats de recherche. Ce projet a été récompensé par un Cristal collectif en 2024. Passer du papier au numérique peut sembler complexe à mettre en place, c'est pour cette raison que nous proposons de vous guider. Notre équipe de 7 membres, issus de différentes unités de recherche de la région bordelaise, a travaillé ardemment sur l'offre On Premise pour démystifier et faciliter l'installation d'eLabFTW. Nous avons rassemblé toutes les informations et sources disponibles pour vous proposer un modèle d'installation simple et accessible, basé sur la technologie des images Docker, complété par une documentation en ligne dédiée. Nous avons pris en compte les défis techniques demandés par le CNRS pour la mise en place d'eLabFTW, tels que la configuration des VLAN, l'installation des serveurs virtuels, la génération de certificats et bien plus encore. Nous avons également exploré d'autres problématiques, telles que les mises à jour d'eLabFTW et la mise en place de sauvegardes chiffrées. Notre travail a été enrichi par les retours d'expérience de plusieurs ASR. Nous sommes convaincus que notre contribution sera utile à l'ensemble de la communauté ESR et sommes impatients de la partager avec vous. Notre approche collaborative a permis de rendre l'installation d'eLabFTW simple et abordable pour tous.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Richard Ferrere) 17 Jan 2025
[hal-04820483] Regards croisés entre dynamiques contemporaines et héritages historiques sur la gestion des résidus de l'alumine à Gardanne
En proposant une analyse croisée des dynamiques contemporaines et des héritages historiques, l’ambition de ce projet est de comprendre l’évolution du processus décisionnel et du cadrage politique, en portant la focale sur le « travail politique » des administrations des pouvoirs publics locaux, régionaux et nationaux, sur la question de la gestion politique et technique des résidus de l’alumine. L’analyse historique permet de saisir à la fois la non-linéarité et les éléments de continuité du processus décisionnel et du travail politique sur la gestion des résidus et déchets de l’industrie de l’alumine à Gardanne. À l’heure où Altéo a revendu son usine gardannaise à UMS, un industriel guinéen, l’arrêt annoncé du procédé Bayer à Gardanne amorce la fin du flux de boues rouges produit par l’usine. La question de ces « traces » de l’héritage de 120 ans d’activité industrielle reste cependant toute entière, notamment au regard d’une gestion politique de la transition au profit d’une circularité accrue des systèmes productifs. Partant du postulat d’une non-linéarité du processus décisionnel et du travail politique, notamment dans un cadre d’hybridité public-privé de l’action publique, ce projet propose une grille de lecture pluridisciplinaire (science politique, sociologie, histoire et géographie) sur le rôle de la « matérialité » et des « interdépendances » dans le travail de gestion des résidus.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sylvain Le Berre) 05 Dec 2024
[hal-04691536] Innovation organisationnelle pour la réduction des produits phytosanitaires : retours de viticulteurs français
Aggravées par les évolutions climatiques, les maladies des cultures mettent en péril les récoltes et les revenus agricoles. Si les assurances climatiques permettent de se prémunir contre le gel ou la grêle, il n'existe pas à ce jour d'assurance contre le risque sanitaire en Europe, laissant les agriculteurs s'en remettre aux pesticides. Cet article s'intéresse aux avis de viticulteurs français sur une approche intégrée combinant un dispositif assurantiel et un outil d'aide à la décision, afin de diminuer l'utilisation de fongicides. Cette innovation, testée à ce jour à petite échelle, pourrait être déployée à l'échelle nationale. Une analyse thématique des commentaires de 82 viticulteurs français met en lumière les déterminants de son adoption.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pauline Pedehour) 06 Dec 2024
[tel-04886328] Savoirs scientifiques et décision politique pour l'adaptation au changement climatique. La fabrique régionale de l’action publique
L’intégration et l’appropriation de l’expertise scientifique constituent un enjeu stratégique pour l'action publique des collectivités régionales face au changement climatique. La thèse montre comment la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine traduit l’impératif politique d'une adaptation au changement climatique (ACC) en une politique régionale opérationnelle. En particulier, comment les agents régionaux mobilisent-ils les connaissances scientifiques ? Quels sont les processus d’expertises à l’œuvre et comment l’action publique se construit-elle entre l’échelon régional et l’échelle plus locale de l'opérationnalisation effective de l’ACC ? La thèse s'appuie sur trois cas d’étude : l’observation d’une politique affichée de « transitions » (NéoTerra) ; l’appropriation de l’ACC par la technostructure à travers 50 entretiens semi-directifs avec les agents régionaux ; l’analyse rétrospective d’une adaptation radicale conduisant à l'effacement d'un étang en Limousin. La thèse montre les implications d’une intégration de l’ACC dans la politique régionale ; le travail politique et d’expertise des agents régionaux pour façonner la décision publique ; les conditions de réalisation d’une action transformative d’ACC sur un enjeu et un territoire spécifique. Ce travail de recherche réalisé dans le cadre d'une allocation CIFRE avec la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, a pour finalité de promouvoir une adaptation transformationnelle et inclusive à la hauteur des enjeux de l'anticipation du changement climatique.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Camille Francois Dit Jonchéres) 14 Jan 2025
[hal-04850981] Fréquence et nombre d'échantillons pour la minimisation des coûts d'une pathologie contagieuse animale ou végétale à évolution rapide
Face à une pathologie contagieuse, animale ou végétale, quelle politique d'échantillonnage faut-il mettre en place si l'on veut minimiser les coûts, ceux de la maladie ainsi que ceux liés aux prélèvements et analyses pour le suivi de son évolution ? Dans un premier temps nous calculons l'imprécision de la mesure en fonction du l'échantillonnage retenu et de la prévalence de la pathologie (Fig. 1 et 2). Ensuite, en fonction de la précision souhaitée et de la prévalence, nous calculons le nombre de prélèvements à réaliser (Fig. 3). Enfin, dans le cas d'échantillonnages itératifs (Fig. 4), en fonction des coûts de chaque prélèvement et analyse, et des coûts liés à la propagation de la pathologie, nous montrons sur un exemple quantitatif qu'il existe un optimum, c'est-à-dire une relation entre la fréquence et l'effectif (le nombre de prélèvements) de chaque échantillon, permettant de minimiser le coût de la pathologie. Nous donnons la relation qu'il existe à l'optimum entre l'effectif et la périodicité (Fig. 5), la relation entre le coût global minimum et la périodicité (Fig. 6), et enfin, sur un graphique à 3 dimensions (Fig. 7), nous montrons comment évolue le coût global en fonction de la périodicité et de l'effectif.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jean-Philippe Terreaux) 20 Dec 2024
[hal-04805045] Déconfinés mais pour aller où ? Retour sur la fréquentation des plages et des forêts dans le Sud Ouest après un an de pandémie
La crise sanitaire de la Covid 19 a été l’occasion de rappeler l’étendue des bienfaits sur la santé que procure le contact avec la nature. A travers deux enquêtes quantitatives portant sur la fréquentation des forêts et des plages océanes en Aquitaine, nous analysons la façon dont chacun des deux espaces a répondu à des demandes spécifiques durant la première année de la pandémie, les publics concernés et les perceptions associées en matière de risques de contamination.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jeoffrey Dehez) 26 Nov 2024
[hal-04737273] Assessing agri-environmental strategies to reduce pesticide concentrations in surface drinking water sources, Coastal Charente River basin, SW France
Most surface water bodies are deteriorating, resulting in health risks and environmental damage. This study aimed to assess the performance of the modeled agri-environmental transition scenarios for restoring freshwater quality within the protection perimeter of strategic surface water drinking water catchments. Realistic agri-environmental scenarios with combined agronomic orientations were tested using a well-calibrated ecohydrological model. Their performance was quantified based on pesticide concentration reductions in freshwater bodies, focusing on temporal and spatial variability, using non-parametric tests. Our results show that it is possible to differentiate cropping mitigation scenarios according to their ability to limit pesticide transfers, taking into account the most influential biogeochemical factors in the catchment, their agronomic orientation, and their progressive implementation. Our study is also applicable to other contexts.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Odile Phelpin) 06 Nov 2024
[tel-04822967] Le devenir des zones humides face aux changements globaux : analyse patrimoniale des compromis socio-écologiques sur les marais de Brouage et du Fier d'Ars (Charente-Maritime, France)
Le contexte de changement global renouvelle les défis de la gouvernance environnementale. En milieu rétro-littoral, les incidences des changements globaux se manifestent par une hausse de la fréquence et de l’intensité des submersions marines. Dans ce contexte, la préservation des zones humides (rétro-)littorales est remise en question, ce qui implique de réfléchir à l’évolution des modalités de gestion existantes. Cette thèse se propose ainsi d’éclairer le devenir possible de ces espaces particuliers au prisme des compromis patrimoniaux. Ces compromis traduisent, d’une part, le processus de mise en compatibilité d’une diversité de représentations du patrimoine (ce que les acteurs souhaitent préserver, transmettre, y compris l’usage des ressources) – que nous nommons les compromis en train de se dire. Ils renvoient d’autre part à des compromis en train de se faire, c’est-à-dire à des pratiques d’acteurs répondant à des logiques de compromis (entre exploitation et préservation), dont le déroulement dépend d’un ensemble de déterminants matériels, institutionnels et relationnels. L’originalité de la grille d’analyse que nous proposons est d’articuler l’économie institutionnaliste du patrimoine et deux approches théoriques complémentaires (économie des conventions et théorie sociale des pratiques). Cette grille a été appliquée à l’étude des marais rétro-littoraux de Brouage et du Fier d’Ars, situés en Charente-Maritime (France). Nous montrons d’abord que l’hétérogénéité des conceptions du patrimoine des marais, défendues par les acteurs (gestionnaires et exploitants), trouve une forme de compatibilité au sein de deux compromis "en train de se dire" dominants. Les pratiques des exploitants (éleveurs, sauniers, ostréiculteurs) traduisent globalement des compromis productifs en faveur de la préservation des marais, ce qui nous conduit à souligner la cohérence interne aux compromis patrimoniaux sur les deux territoires. Cette cohérence est déterminée par un ensemble de dimensions collectives matérielles, institutionnelles et relationnelles qui orientent l’action des producteurs selon des degrés variables. Nous montrons ensuite le bouleversement des compromis existants du fait du renforcement des oppositions entre acteurs, avec la prise en compte de la problématique de la submersion. Les compromis qui se feront dans le futur dépendront nécessairement des capacités de résistance au changement des pratiques. Par exemple, la forte dépendance des activités productives au milieu naturel limite les marges de manoeuvre dont disposent les exploitants pour s’adapter. La démarche empirique menée dans ce travail, conduisant au déploiement d’une méthodologie mixte de recherche et à l’imbrication de traitements qualitatifs (analyse de discours) et quantitatifs (analyse statistique multivariée, analyse de réseau), représente une avancée méthodologique pour décrypter la diversité des ressorts de l’action individuelle et collective. En outre, l’étude de la fabrique des compromis patrimoniaux (leur émergence et leur dynamique) constitue une voie de recherche pertinente pour analyser le potentiel d’adaptation des territoires face au changement globaux.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Clémence Dedinger) 06 Dec 2024
[halshs-04894566] Editorial to the special issue ‘Environmental Justice Futures’ By Céline Granjou, Valérie Deldrève and Devleena Ghosh
Environmental justice can be defined as a broad social and academic movement that aims to foster alternative futures by emphasizing and detailing the deeply inequal responsibilities in the creation of environmental degradation and climate change, together with the asymmetric climate vulnerabilities and environmental exposure (Temper et al., 2018) experienced by different sets of actors. It is an essentially future-oriented field of both socio-political struggle and academic thinking. The Environmental Justice social movement began in the 1980s as an expression of concern with the disproportionate environmental load on communities of colour and low-income populations (Bullard, 1990), and has since then expanded into a range of issues (Schlosberg, 2007) and built linkages with other international environmental movements dedicated to just ecological transitions, degrowth, subsistence ecology (Martinez-Alier, 2012), as well as climate justice and decarbonisation movements (Rosewarne et al., 2013). Environmental justice has also harnessed empirical investigation and critical thinking inspired by political ecology, social geography, ecofeminism and science studies (Coolsaet, 2020). This special issue aims to investigate how alternative futures are forged, imagined, told, traded, negotiated, contested, prepared for and secured against by vulnerable, marginalized and Indigenous groups and people committed to working together to foster social and environmental change. At the core of environmental justice lies the shared conviction that the most vulnerable populations also have the strongest capacity to shape and to transform collective futures (Haenfler et al. 2012 ; Schlosberg and Craven, 2019). They are usually the source of alternative models to the dominant paradigms of development which generally produce the environmental and social ills which affect them (through loss of land, livelihood and deterioration in their ecological worlds). These counterpublics, when empowered, may engage in collective action to reduce power asymmetries and resist the dominant models of change to posit different ones from imposed and top down models (Martin et al. 2020).
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Céline Granjou) 17 Jan 2025
[hal-04729792] Adaptation options for vessels highly dependent on a limited number of species under climate and political changes. Case of New Aquitaine (France) southern fleets
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (N Caill-Milly) 10 Oct 2024
[hal-04804968] Perceived risks and its relation to bathing rate at a high energy surf beach in France
Background: despite the many benefits gained from contact with water, bathing in the ocean is a risky activity. To properly analyse these risks, beachgoers exposure is still a poorly understood component of the risk. In this study, we investigate the decision of beachgoers to enter the water at a high-energy supervised beach in southwest France, where strong rip currents and heavy shore-break waves can discourage beachgoers to enter the water. Methods: We estimated regression models based on a dataset which combine data on personal factors collected by means of an on-site survey (N=722) with marine and weather data collected at nearby stations. Results: The beachgoers global bathing risk perception is influenced by both environmental (i.e. wave height and wave period) and personal factors (i.e. beachgoer’s age, confidence in escaping from a rip current and drowning risk concerns in general). By comparison, insolation and outdoor temperature are the primary environmental factors influencing respondent decision. Tide level and wave height only affect bathing rate when the beachgoer's personal variables are not taken into account in the model. Self-assessment of swimming ability in the ocean and individual risk perception are the two statistically significant human predictors of bathing rate. When perceptions specific to rip currents and shore break risks are simultaneously introduced into the regression models, only rip current perceived risk has a significant influence on the bathing probability. Conclusion: Our results provide new avenues for communication by highlighting a number of beach safety issues still poorly understood by the general public. As regards risk forecasting, this research fills a gap by refining our ability to assess exposure by pinpointing the proportion of beachgoers who enter the water.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jeoffrey Dehez) 26 Nov 2024
[hal-04750656] Attitudes, perceived bathing risks and behaviours among recreational users at a high-energy beach in South-West France. A dataset containing human and environmental data, beachgoers and lifeguards assessments
The dataset provides data on beachgoers’ behaviours, attitudes and perceptions of coastal bathing risks at a high energy beach in South-West France. Data were collected from a face-to-face quantitative survey conducted at La Lette Blanche beach, during the lifeguard-patrolled summer period (July-August) 2022 from a sample of 722 visitors. Beachgoers were interviewed across various times of the day (i.e. morning or afternoon), on various days of the week (i.e. weekdays or weekends) and various marine and weather conditions. All respondents provided informed consent after reading a participant information form at the beginning of the survey. The survey was conducted in French or English and consisted of forty questions convering four main topics: (1) attitudes toward risk in general and concerns about risks in everyday life, including leisure and water based recreation context; (2) risk experience (participation in beach activities in general, visits at southwest France beaches, recreational activities, previous accidents); (3) visits to La Lette-Blanche beach at the time of the survey (attractiveness, bathing behaviour and perception of risks); (4) sources of information and preventive behaviours related to bathing risks. Respondents socio-demographic characteristics were collected at the beginning of the survey. At the same time, environmental data were collected by a nearby directional wave buoy, tide gauge and weather station, and an hourly estimate of rip current hazard, shore break wave hazard and of the total beach crowd during the patrolling hours has been provided by the chief lifeguard of the study beach. The dataset can be used to conduct quantitative analyses or to compare with others studies in the domain of beach safety research.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sandrine Lyser) 25 Oct 2024
[hal-04754412] Prévention construite en agriculture : contribution de l’ergotoxicologie à partir de trois recherches‑actions
Cette contribution propose le développement d’une approche de « prévention construite » comme alternative aux modèles dominants de la sécurité à l’œuvre en milieu agricole. Ce travail s’appuie sur les cadres théoriques de la sécurité en psychologie et en ergonomie (sécurité industrielle, sécurité des patients et résilience), et notamment de la sécurité réglée et gérée, afin d’identifier des conditions du développement d’une prévention construite. Nous avons tenté d’éprouver ce modèle de la prévention construite à partir de l’analyse de situations d’exposition aux pesticides dans trois études de cas en agriculture. Les cas présentés portent sur les perspectives de contributions à la conception de pulvérisateurs viticoles (Albert, 2022), les ressources réelles de protection lors de réalisation de semis dans le cadre d’un projet en collaboration avec la MSA (Mutualité sociale agricole) (Fredj, 2021), ainsi que les limites posées dans l’usage de contenants de pesticides en France et au Québec (Goutille, 2022 ; Jolly, 2022). Il ressort que la prévention construite se traduit par le développement de pratiques individuelles et collectives allant dans le sens d’une préservation de la santé. Le processus s’appuie sur des méthodes participatives d’analyse puis de transformation et de conception de l’activité, qui nécessitent des actions sur des déterminants proches et éloignés de la situation de travail. L’enjeu de cette approche est de renforcer le développement de la prévention à partir d’une compréhension et construction fondée sur le travail humain. Nous proposons par la suite des items à prendre en compte pour un diagnostic et un développement de la prévention à partir de l’activité. Ce travail contribue à élaborer un modèle opérant de la sécurité.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Louis Galey) 28 Oct 2024
[hal-04736688] Contribution of an ecohydrological modelling to system dynamics modelling applied to a catchment with high hydroclimatic challenges
Decision support tools should encompass the real world complexities (biophysical, social sciences) within time and space heterogeneities SD modelling provides socio-economics knowledge of real world but not spatialized biophysical factors simulation • Ecohydrological modelling provides biophysical and human interaction knowledge of interaction in the ecosystems with spatial and time heterogeneities. Exogenous time series of evapotranspiration, streamflows, and groundwater and soil moisture are useful to estimate parameters in SD model when data series are missing. Integrating VenSim selected downscaled-monthly time-step water variables with daily hydrometeorological outputs from SWAT helps improving the SD simulation of water budget. Using the outputs of high-resolution ecohydrological models facilitates the calibration of SD models, improving its accuracy and validity.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Odile Phelpin) 15 Oct 2024
[hal-04732725] Multiple agricultural risks and insurance—issues, perspectives, and illustration for wine-growing
Agricultural producers face multiple risks, including climatic, disease, and market risks, that make crop insurance especially valuable to them. However, risk interactions raise specific issues: The value of prevention efforts in a multiple risk context, risk correlation, and compounded effects (whereby the realization of a risk makes it difficult to prevent another one) all affect the design and effectiveness of insurance. In contrast to the US, the EU-subsidized crop insurance creates different financial conditions for climate and pest risks and increases expertise costs. We discuss how this affects input use and disproportionately disadvantages organic producers because of compounded effects. We report on an experiment bundling a real pest insurance contract with an agronomic protocol aiming at reducing treatments, for vine-growing in the South-West of France. The experiment highlighted the costs to separating risks in insurance contracts, as well as the need for insurance to help transition to greener practices.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Cécile Aubert) 15 Oct 2024
[hal-04735290] The SK8 project: A scalable institutional architecture for managing and hosting Shiny applications
Introducing the SK8 Project (Shiny Kubernetes Service), where data scientists, statisticians and engineers from INRAE, the French national research institute for agriculture, food and environment, have teamed up to create a new solution for managing and hosting Shiny applications. Shiny has become very popular in our institute, widely used for sharing, showcasing, and democratizing scientific work. However, the enduring challenge of establishing scalable, secure, and sustainable hosting for these apps had yet to be addressed. So, after realizing that different research labs had each implemented their own local and makeshift solutions, we put on our thinking caps and decided to craft an open-source institutional solution. Our mission? Break down silos, unite the R community at INRAE, and make hosting applications easy for Shiny developers with no IT backgrounds. The SK8 infrastructure allows to host Shiny code on a GitLab instance opened to all INRAE staff. We've got pipelines (GitLab CI/CD), stability ({renv}), containerization with Docker, scalability and seamless deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. All of this is developed, managed, and maintained by the SK8 team using open-source solutions. Using SK8 is a piece of cake – just toss your application code into a dedicated GitLab project and hit the “play” button. In this talk, we will be speaking about the project itself, the ecosystem that's making it all happen and how you could replicate this in your own company.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (David Carayon) 14 Oct 2024
[hal-04736090] Evaluation of agro-sylvicultural systems, using the ELECTRE TRI-nC and ELECTRE III methods, including stakeholder behaviour
L INRAE, the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, aims to promote agro-ecological projects to reduce the impacts of intensive agriculture on the environment, and to ensure the sustainability of agricultural systems, and the wellbeing of the population through food quality. The TETRAE AC²TION project to which we are contributing, near Bordeaux, aims to evaluate the performance of agro-sylvicultural systems at level of field plots. The objectives are (i) to identify agroforestry systems in the study area, (ii) to take into account the stakeholders' behaviour, and (iii) to model the environmental performance using a panel of criteria. Seven qualitative and quantitative agri-environmental and behavioural criteria were selected, based on the literature and discussions with experts. A large amount of information was collected through about thirty interviews with agroforestry farmers. These data and discussions allowed us to validate the relevance of the criteria formulated and to refine them. The selected criteria are Motivations, Workload, Woody vegetation management, Knowledge and external support, Cultural practices, Functional biodiversity, Landscape amenities. The ELECTRE Tri-nC model was used to assign agroforestry systems into four performance categories, and ELECTRE III to rank them within each category. The results of these two double modelling runs demonstrated the relevance of the methodology and criteria used. This study highlights the need to better understand stakeholder behaviour. It is useful to provide local stakeholders with decision support for their management system change, especially those in intensive processes. This is also very interesting at the local level to reconcile the urban population with agricultural practices.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Odile Phelpin) 14 Oct 2024
[hal-04639779] First and Second Order Sensitivities of Steady-state Solutions to Water Distribution Systems
First-order approximations have been used with some success for criticality analysis, sensitivity analysis of physical networks, such as water distribution systems, and uncertainty propagation of model parameters. Certain limitations have been reported regarding the accuracy of results, particularly when non-linearity is dominant. In this paper, we show how to efficiently derive the first and second order sensitivities with respect to the variation of their parameters. This makes it possible to improve the first order estimate when necessary. The method is illustrated on a small example system.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Olivier Piller) 09 Jul 2024
[hal-04787875] Enquêter sur la décarbonation des organisations et filières productives
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Céline Granjou) 18 Nov 2024
[hal-04646678] Modelling Variable Speed Pumps for Flow and Pressure Control Using Nash Equilibrium
Recently the Nash-Equilibrium known from game theory was used for steady state calculation of pressurized pipe systems with general flow and pressure control devices. The concept is now ap-plied to pumping stations. It is assumed that at least one of the pumps has a frequency controller that enables the pump to deliver a given set flow or set pressure by adaptation of pump speed. For hydraulic calculation the system is decomposed into the local pumping station and a surrogate link with flow or pressure constraints at one of its end nodes. The method is demonstrated for a small example system.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jochen W Deuerlein) 12 Jul 2024
[hal-04646743] The Dual Model under pressure: how robust is leak detection under uncertainties and model-mismatches
This paper investigates the robustness of one innovative model-based method for leak detection, namely the dual model. We evaluate the algorithm's performance under various leakage scenarios in the L-Town network, despite uncertainties and model mismatches in (i) base demand, (ii) pipe roughness, (iii) number of sensors, and (iv) network topology. Our investigation results indicate that the Dual Model is highly sensitive to discrepancies in the first three parameters. However, the impact can be mitigated through sensor-specific calibration, such as adjusting sensor elevations. Moreover, the Dual Model has demonstrated robustness to minor topology mismatches, like those introduced by closed valves.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Enrique Campbell) 12 Jul 2024
[tel-04726241] La fabrique d'une politique alimentaire locale intégrée : un éclairage par les interdépendances
Le récent développement de politiques alimentaires dans les territoires relève d’une innovation de l’action publique locale dont les modalités de construction et de mise en œuvre ont cependant peu été étudiées. En effet, les politiques alimentaires locales sous-tendent avant tout des choix politiques informant tant les changements poursuivis en termes de régulation locale de l’alimentation au sein des systèmes alimentaires territoriaux, que les stratégies de légitimation des acteurs publics qui en sont porteurs. Cette thèse analyse les coulisses de la construction et de la mise en œuvre d’une politique alimentaire intégrée départementale, en prenant comme cas d’étude celle du Conseil départemental de la Gironde (CD33). En appliquant une nouvelle grille d’analyse constituée au croisement de trois littératures - approche par les interdépendances, travail politique et intégration dans les politiques publiques, la thèse éclaire le travail politique mené par les acteurs départementaux dans les étapes de problématisation et d’instrumentation de la stratégie alimentaire girondine et interroge les effets de cette action publique locale sur le système alimentaire local ainsi qu’au sein du Département. Pour ce faire, ce travail s’appuie sur une immersion de plus de trois ans au sein de l’Agenda 21 départemental, du fait d’un conventionnement Cifre, ayant permis la constitution d’un matériau de recherche composite, constitué d’une observation participante, associée à l’analyse d’une littérature grise et complété par deux séries d’entretiens. L’analyse donne à voir les modalités et les processus de la fabrique de la politique alimentaire intégrée girondine sur quinze ans, entre 2008 et 2023. Elle met en lumière que le travail politique en termes d’interdépendances mené par les acteurs départementaux – dont l’influence varie – est sans cesse renouvelé, amenant à distinguer quatre cadrages cognitifs à travers quatre politiques alimentaires départementales avec leurs propres configurations d’acteurs, leurs propres arbitrages en termes d’interdépendances et leurs propres niveaux d’intégration. Autrement dit, durant ces quinze années, le CD33 ne s’est pas saisi de l’alimentation avec une vision constante et il n’y a pas associé les mêmes objectifs. A travers ces cadrages, la thèse éclaire de nombreux aspects de la « boîte noire » de la fabrique de la stratégie alimentaire intégrée girondine : les jeux d’acteurs entre sphères politique et administrative, les arbitrages faits entre domaines d’intervention publique, la variation des postures du CD33 lorsqu’il s’agit d’amener du changement dans le système alimentaire et sa régulation, et plus généralement, les stratégies du CD33 pour se légitimer au sein de l’échiquier politique. Finalement, l’analyse met en lumière des imbrications entre policy, politics et polity dans la fabrique de la stratégie alimentaire du CD33 et permet de conclure sur un mouvement perpétuel de bascule entre politisation et dépolitisation du fait alimentaire au gré de l’évolution des cadrages cognitifs, de la définition des objectifs (visée transformative ou affichage politique), des relations interterritoriales (relais ou opposant à l’Etat ; coopérations ou évitement), des reconfigurations d’acteur au sein même du Département (influence des acteurs administratifs et politiques) ou encore des évolutions dans la posture prise par le Département (logique de guichet, animateur, expérimentateur, etc.). Finalement, la thèse informe sur la construction d’une politique alimentaire intégrée instable, dont les éléments constitutifs sont sans cesse remodelés, et par laquelle il est donné à voir que la régulation locale de l’alimentation n’est pas tant l’objectif poursuivi par l’acteur public en tant que tel, mais plutôt un moyen participant d’une stratégie plus globale de légitimation d’un Département se positionnant continuellement comme un acteur intermédiaire.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Julie Lailliau) 08 Oct 2024
[hal-04700828] Inland freshwater bodies as “cooling islands”
While the socio-economical importance of blue spaces (i.e., aquatic environments) for tourism and recreation is well established, the literature also demonstrates that the contact with nature, particularly with water-related landscapes, has positive impacts on human health and well-being (Gascon et al., 2017). Among the diversity of blue spaces, those associated with lakes and similar inland freshwater bodies (such as reservoirs, pit lakes, or ponds) are specifically associated with values of calm, tranquillity, rejuvenation, and serenity (Schirpke et al., 2022). In the context of global warming, these areas are likely to be subject to new environmental pressures, such as changes in water quantity and quality conditions. But, they are also expected to attract more visitors (Pröbstl-Haider et al., 2021), especially during heat waves, thanks to their “cooling island” effect (i.e., places where air temperature is lower than in the surrounding areas) (Du et al., 2016) and to the physical contact with water through activities such as bathing.However, the recreational issues that these inland waterbodies are facing in a warming world are much less well-known compared to other recreational areas such as coastal or mountain regions. In particular, the way in which the stakeholders in charge of managing them (elected officials, nature-based firms, public agencies, associations...) perceive both their recreational potential and their environmental vulnerabilities is very uneven. Analysing the representations and the issues debated in the public arena about the recreational uses of these blue spaces thus provides insights into the implemented projects, as well as the obstacles that remain to be overcome.The work we present in this communication is part of a wider investigation into the potential role of lakes and other inland freshwater bodies in the ecological transition, with a particular focus on two dimensions. First, we study their contribution to climate change adaptation, considering that they provide two key elements in a warming world: physical contact with water and cooler air temperatures. Compared to coastal areas, we also believe that these inland waterbodies are accessible to a much larger number of people. Making them (even more) available for recreational uses would then become another instrument for tackling environmental inequalities, especially in urban areas. Second, we examine the potential of inland waterbodies for tourism transition, considering them as very common and numerous local recreational resources, likely to foster the development of proximity tourism and therefore to reduce the carbon footprint of tourism.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Alice Nikolli) 18 Sep 2024
[hal-04927141] L'utilisation couplée des approches C.A.R.E./IDEA4 pour préserver les capitaux naturels et humains dans les entreprises agricoles à l'échelle du territoire
La production agricole est la pierre angulaire de notre système socio-économique. Mais ses fonctions nourricières et de fourniture de matières premières à l’industrie sont aujourd’hui menacées par l’accumulation de crises écologiques, en cela qu’elles menacent les « relations des organismes [incluant humains et non-humains] avec le monde extérieur environnant, dans lequel nous incluons au sens large toutes les conditions d’existence [et de cohabitations]. » (Rambaud, 2022, p.35, crochet de l'auteur), de manière exponentielle en se superposant les unes sur les autres.A l’heure où chaque acteur soumet sa propre solution à la complexe équation qui conjuguerait production agricole et limites planétaires, des initiatives expérimentales se multiplient ces dernières années, portées notamment par des chercheurs-agriculteurs qui s’organisent pour répondre à ces multiples défis. D’autres acteurs en liens avec le monde agricole tentent d’apporter leur pierre à l’édifice, en conjuguant l’expérimentation de méthodes et de cadres innovants en soutenabilité forte avec le travail « à capot ouvert » c’est-à-dire en intégrant les parties prenantes à la co-construction méthodologique inspiré de la recherche participative.Ce pari des « sciences de plein-air » en opposition aux « sciences confinées » (Callon et al., 2001) est tenu par la FNCuma (Fédération Nationale des Coopératives d'utilisation de matériels agricoles) qui coordonne un projet d’expérimentation de la comptabilité écologique C.A.R.E. (Comprehensive Accounting in Respect of Ecology) couplée au diagnostic de durabilité IDEA4 sur le territoire d’Ille-et-Vilaine. L’objectif de cette communication est de comprendre l’intérêt et les potentiels résultats du couplage des deux cadres C.A.R.E. et IDEA4 sur un territoire pour la préservation des capitaux naturels et humains dans des exploitations agricoles ainsi que les motivations qui amènent les parties prenantes du projet à travailler ensemble.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Louis Dumeaux) 03 Feb 2025
[hal-04711805] Estimation de la valeur des forêts : Eléments d’économie forestière
Pour acheter, vendre, échanger, transmettre une forêt ou une parcelle forestière, savoir en déterminer la valeur est essentiel. Il s'agit pourtant d'un patrimoine, d'un investissement très particulier, de long terme, et nous donnons ici les méthodes à connaître pour estimer soi-même ou pour comprendre les avis d'experts. Différentes questions sont abordées en supplément, appliquées sur le plan numérique au pin maritime dans les Landes de Gascogne : à quelle valeur minimale doit-on louer le foncier pour l'implantation de fermes solaires ? Comment tirer profit de l'évolution des prix du bois ? Comment comparer la forêt à d'autres opportunités d'investissement ? Quelle est la place de la forêt dans un portefeuille bien équilibré ? Quel est l'impact du risque tempête, du risque incendie ? Comment évaluer les particularités de la fiscalité pesant sur les forêts ? ou encore : quel est l'intérêt de l'eucalyptus, une espèce très productive mais gélive ? Ce livre s'adresse à tout propriétaire forestier, investisseur potentiel, ingénieur ou expert forestier. 273 pages, 111 figures, 41 tableaux disponible sur amazon.fr, amazon.com… format : 21,6 x 27,9 cm ; 794 g
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jean-Philippe Terreaux) 27 Sep 2024
[hal-04690600] Conflicts and Social Mobilization against Clearcutting. An Opportunity to Question the Forest Social Order?
Protests and conflicts against clearcutting have increased tenfold in the last ten years in France. NGOs and citizen movements are so active that they are succeeding in suspending and even stopping many harvesting operations in the most productive forest regions. How did this social movement emerge and how are forest owners' associations reacting to this strong social mobilization against clearcutting? Using a socio-constructivist theoretical framework to analyze the rise and fall of social problems, we will show how ENGOS and local citizens' movements are joining forces today to put clearcutting regulations on the political agenda through highly effective grassroots and internet communication campaigns. Conflicts are also stimulated by the "greening" and "climatisation" of social debates, which means that every logging action should be evaluated according to its ecological and climatic impacts. Clearcuts illustrate these conflicting views by questioning the impact of forest management operations on the landscape, ecosystem services and the ambivalent role of forestry in the economic development of remote rural areas. More generally, these protests are putting into question the forest social order that usually prevail in the forest sector. Despite some moments of violence, we show that these conflicts can be a positive moment according to Georg Simmel’ approach of conflicts to discuss the social contract between citizens, forest owners' organizations and forest policy makers. Finally, we will show how these conflicts lead some forest owners to reconsider certain forestry techniques such as clearcutting and policy makers to adapt forestry regulations concerning clearcutting at the margin.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Philippe Deuffic) 06 Sep 2024
[hal-04678816] Online collaborative research on seasonal work. Collective capabilities to resist on precarious work and living conditions
The number of seasonal workers in the agricultural sector in France is increasing and their working conditions are difficult and disgraceful. While they have been shown in various studies to be subject to processes that result in them being unable to act on occupational health, some of them, mobilized online, have formed a collective whose is permitted them to develop collective actions. OBJECTIVES: Our article aims to describe this online collective and how the power to act emerged from the discussions. The purpose it’s also to determine how the functioning of these groups fosters the expression of a collective point of view and the achievement of goals that is not attained elsewhere. METHODS: We carried out a collaborative research online with a collective of seasonal workers, which consisted in following and taking part in discussions about conditions at work and outside of work, using an instant messaging tool. The results of this collaborative research, included testimonies registration and co-produced with seasonal workers, has been analyzed mobilizing A. Sen’s capabilities approach. RESULTS: During their online discussions, the seasonal workers allow themselves to share the situations of injustice they are subject to with the other members. Here, we present their output and collective actions which were made possible by the mobilization of the resources of some of their members or by collaborating with other actors. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of the remarkable conversion factors made available through this collective action online, certain “failures” show that in order for these workers to have better access to their rights, effective support by public policy is indispensable.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Fabienne Goutille) 27 Aug 2024
[hal-04738228] Online collaborative research on seasonal work. Collective capabilities to resist on precarious work and living conditions
BACKGROUND: The number of seasonal workers in the agricultural sector in France is increasing and their working conditions are difficult and disgraceful. While they have been shown in various studies to be subject to processes that result in them being unable to act on occupational health, some of them, mobilized online, have formed a collective whose is permitted them to develop collective actions. OBJECTIVES: Our article aims to describe this online collective and how the power to act emerged from the discussions. The purpose it's also to determine how the functioning of these groups fosters the expression of a collective point of view and the achievement of goals that is not attained elsewhere. METHODS: We carried out a collaborative research online with a collective of seasonal workers, which consisted in following and taking part in discussions about conditions at work and outside of work, using an instant messaging tool. The results of this collaborative research, included testimonies registration and co-produced with seasonal workers, has been analyzed mobilizing A. Sen's capabilities approach. RESULTS: During their online discussions, the seasonal workers allow themselves to share the situations of injustice they are subject to with the other members. Here, we present their output and collective actions which were made possible by the mobilization of the resources of some of their members or by collaborating with other actors. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of the remarkable conversion factors made available through this collective action online, certain "failures" show that in order for these workers to have better access to their rights, effective support by public policy is indispensable.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Fabienne Goutille) 15 Oct 2024
[hal-04930957] Online collaborative research on seasonal work. Collective capabilities to resist on precarious work and living conditions
BACKGROUND: The number of seasonal workers in the agricultural sector in France is increasing and their working conditions are difficult and disgraceful. While they have been shown in various studies to be subject to processes that result in them being unable to act on occupational health, some of them, mobilized online, have formed a collective whose is permitted them to develop collective actions. OBJECTIVES: Our article aims to describe this online collective and how the power to act emerged from the discussions. The purpose it’s also to determine how the functioning of these groups fosters the expression of a collective point of view and the achievement of goals that is not attained elsewhere. METHODS: We carried out a collaborative research online with a collective of seasonal workers, which consisted in following and taking part in discussions about conditions at work and outside of work, using an instant messaging tool. The results of this collaborative research, included testimonies registration and co-produced with seasonal workers, has been analyzed mobilizing A. Sen’s capabilities approach. RESULTS: During their online discussions, the seasonal workers allow themselves to share the situations of injustice they are subject to with the other members. Here, we present their output and collective actions which were made possible by the mobilization of the resources of some of their members or by collaborating with other actors. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of the remarkable conversion factors made available through this collective action online, certain “failures” show that in order for these workers to have better access to their rights, effective support by public policy is indispensable.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Fabienne Goutille) 05 Feb 2025
[hal-04910953] Quel apport des projets alimentaires territoriaux aux représentations du foncier agricole ?
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Mayté Banzo) 24 Jan 2025
[hal-04912475] Quelle dimension sociale pour le projet alimentaire territorial ?
Depuis leur création en 2014, les PAT ont connu des évolutions importantes, notamment dans leurs orientations. Au départ, certains étaient particulièrement centrés sur l’agriculture, et ainsi qualifiés par le Réseau national des PAT (RnPAT) de « PAT agri-alimentaires », quand d’autres étaient plus systémiques, portant sur plusieurs dimensions articulées de l’alimentation. En 2020, le RnPAT a établi une nouvelle caractérisation des PAT qui montre que, pour certains d’entre eux, un glissement s’opère progressivement vers un objectif d’accès pour tous à des produits locaux et de qualité, s’orientant ainsi vers des préoccupations sociales, quand cette dimension était déjà portée quelques années auparavant par le Programme national de l’alimentation, sans que les échelles territoriales s’en emparent. Cette orientation vers l’accessibilité pour tous à des produits locaux et de qualité traduit une volonté de réduction des inégalités sociales vis-à-vis de l’alimentation, dont un des révélateurs a été la crise de la Covid-19. L’injustice alimentaire, la précarité alimentaire sont désormais considérées comme des marqueurs de pauvreté, et les PAT qui s’emparent de ces sujets s’articulent de plus en plus avec les problématiques de prévention de lutte contre la pauvreté et la précarité alimentaire (Sèze, 2022). Toutefois, si la dimension sociale se déploie au sein des PAT, elle y apparaît souvent comme une entrée parmi les autres (économique, environnementale, identitaire, etc.). Seuls quelques projets s’affichent ouvertement comme ayant une « vocation sociale », comme les PAT du Pays Terres de Lorraine (débuté en 2017), de Brest Métropole (2019), du département du Vaucluse (2020) et du Grand Projet des Villes (GPV) de la rive droite de la métropole de Bordeaux (depuis 2019). C’est sur ce dernier que porte l’analyse qui va suivre (Corade et al., 2021). À partir d’une méthode d’observation participante (Chambelland et al., 2021), l’analyse de ce PAT montre comment, à partir de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation, se construit un projet social dont l’enjeu est à la fois la réduction des inégalités sociales d’accès à l’alimentation et l’arrêt du déclassement de certaines populations par leur alimentation. Elle montre également les difficultés d’une telle ambition.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Nathalie Corade) 26 Jan 2025
[hal-04677466] Nature-based solutions: future research needs to meet the challenges of water management
Nature-based solutions (NBS) are actions for the preservation, restoration and sustainable management of the natural environment that rely on the functioning of ecosystems to meet societal challenges. These co-benefits approaches deliver benefits for both nature and society, as one cannot be achieved without the other. In the field of water, whether to preserve its quality or reduce the inherent natural risks, the knowledge exists for implementing this type of solution, and extensive research is conducted. The aim of this presentation is to compile, discuss and bring to the fore these scientific developments and issues. Following a description of the NBS concept and of its application in the field of water, we present scientific approaches helping to balance gains for biodiversity and society in the global water cycle. A focus is placed on the preservation of water resources and the necessary interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research is emphasised.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Freddy Rey) 26 Aug 2024
[hal-04550940] A meso-political economy of how climate issues impact regulation: the case of the wood industry in France
This article sets out to analyse how and why the wood industry in France has recently responded to various calls for its economic models to fit better with the demands of climate change and ecological transition. By adopting a ‘politics of industry’ approach to the linkages between business practices and their regulation by the European Union, the state, and regional authorities, it unpacks the structuration of this industry, then examines the political work undertaken either to change or conserve it. The study draws upon interviews with public, private, and collective actors from throughout the industry, documentary analysis, and observation of stakeholder meetings. First, we show that in this industry, access to markets and to its factors of production (natural and financial capital) has indeed become increasingly driven by environmental criteria and practices of ecological planning. Second, however, the industry is still struggling to make its productive models fit with an institutional order that has only partially transitioned in this direction. In endeavouring to make productive models and this institutional order match up, key actors in the industry are still working politically to reach three objectives that are often contradictory: (i) build cohesion within the industry aligned with decarbonization ambitions, (ii) re-organize value chains that respond to calls for more national sovereignty for wood, and (iii) maintain ties between a productivist model that has taken on board ecological constraints and another, essentially conservationist, one which still resists change to the very definition of the overall objectives of the industry.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sergent Arnaud) 18 Apr 2024
[hal-04304441] Ecological crisis and green capitalism: toward a climatization of extractive industries?
The European mining revival strategy correlates with the agenda of transition to a “green” and “climate-friendly” economy. In this article, we focus on the climatization of extractive discourses and practices in Europe, France, and Andalusia in order to show the changes in discourses while noting the continuity of practices. While discourse justifying the mining revival is circulating within Europe, the operationalization of extractive reindustrialization is materializing in different ways across the Member States, revealing specific constraints and dynamics at a regional level. In Spain, for example, more than a dozen mining projects have been launched since the late 2000s, particularly in Andalusia, where reindustrialization has been associated with greening and climatization. In France, where ecologization and reindustrialization have been integrated into a discourse on securing sovereignty, none of the projects submitted over the last decade have been successful, which highlights the difficulty of reconciling greening, climatization, and extractive reindustrialization. We show that the climatization of the extractive industries in Europe largely remains a discursive process that does little to transform mining practices and activities—other than by contributing to legitimizing their redevelopment, under certain conditions which we highlight.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Doris Buu-Sao) 24 Nov 2023
[hal-04841803] Moustique tigre en France hexagonale : risque et impacts d’une arbovirose
L’Anses a été saisie le 3/08/2022 par la Direction générale de la santé (DGS) pour la réalisation de l’expertise suivante : demande d'avis relatif à la probabilité d’apparition d’épidémies de maladies transmises par les moustiques dans l’Hexagone et sur leurs impacts sur la santé et l’économie.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Laura Maxim) 16 Dec 2024
[hal-04682093] Le risque d'érosion côtière fait-il désormais baisser les prix immobiliers du littoral ?
Le Figaro dévoile l’évolution des prix immobiliers des stations balnéaires exposées au risque d’érosion côtière et celles qui ne le sont pas. Ce handicap est-il davantage pris en compte par les acheteurs que par le passé ?
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jeanne Dachary-Bernard) 30 Aug 2024