Production scientifique

Production scientifique

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HAL : Dernières publications

  • [hal-04636933] Caractérisation de la consommation domestique d’eau potable dans le temps et dans l’espace (Gironde, France)

    En France, l'usage domestique représente 70 à 80 % des consommations d’eau potable. La référence de 120 m3 par abonné par an ne tient compte ni de la répartition entre les usages à domicile ni de leur distribution spatiale et temporelle. Une enquête auprès de 1 026 Girondins visant à caractériser la consommation domestique d'eau potable a été réalisée et le volume d'eau par usage a été estimé. Les résultats montrent que ces consommations sont peu déportées sur d’autres lieux (travail, loisirs) ou d’autres territoires. Comparées aux résultats du CIEau, les parts concernant l'hygiène corporelle et l’arrosage sont plus élevées, à l’inverse des usages pour le linge, la vaisselle ou l'alimentation, ce qui peut être expliqué par des différences d'hypothèses (temps de présence, débits, durées, et cetera). Dans le cadre de la gestion de la ressource en eau, cette actualisation des consommations domestiques par type d’usage devrait permettre d’orienter les économies d'eau de façon plus efficace. (Sandrine Gombert-Courvoisier) 05 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04636559] Les plans d’eau dans la presse quotidienne régionale (PQR) : quelles thématiques et quels enjeux structurent les discours médiatiques ?

    Le projet ILEAUT-NA (2023-2026) porte sur les plans d’eau qui accueillent du public pour des usages récréatifs, quels que soient leur taille, leur origine (naturelle ou anthropique), leur statut de propriété ou leur mode de gestion. Dans un contexte de changement climatique, ces espaces sont susceptibles d'attirer davantage de visiteurs grâce à leur fonction d'îlots de fraîcheur (Du et al., 2016), alors même qu’ils subissent des modifications hydrologiques et écologiques. La phase exploratoire de ce projet repose notamment sur une revue de presse, visant à analyser les thématiques associées par les médias à ces espaces et la place que la fonction récréative y tient. Les médias contribuent en effet à diffuser des normes sociales et à établir une hiérarchie des valeurs (Violier, 2007). ll s’agit dès lors, d'analyser les thématiques abordées, notamment les activités récréatives, tout en évaluant les thématiques potentiellement invisibilisées par la presse. (Pierre Durand) 05 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04646678] Modelling Variable Speed Pumps for Flow and Pressure Control Using Nash Equilibrium

    Recently the Nash-Equilibrium known from game theory was used for steady state calculation of pressurized pipe systems with general flow and pressure control devices. The concept is now ap-plied to pumping stations. It is assumed that at least one of the pumps has a frequency controller that enables the pump to deliver a given set flow or set pressure by adaptation of pump speed. For hydraulic calculation the system is decomposed into the local pumping station and a surrogate link with flow or pressure constraints at one of its end nodes. The method is demonstrated for a small example system. (Jochen W Deuerlein) 12 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04646743] The Dual Model under pressure: how robust is leak detection under uncertainties and model-mismatches

    This paper investigates the robustness of one innovative model-based method for leak detection, namely the dual model. We evaluate the algorithm's performance under various leakage scenarios in the L-Town network, despite uncertainties and model mismatches in (i) base demand, (ii) pipe roughness, (iii) number of sensors, and (iv) network topology. Our investigation results indicate that the Dual Model is highly sensitive to discrepancies in the first three parameters. However, the impact can be mitigated through sensor-specific calibration, such as adjusting sensor elevations. Moreover, the Dual Model has demonstrated robustness to minor topology mismatches, like those introduced by closed valves. (Enrique Campbell) 12 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04638768] The role of ponds in pesticide dissipation at the catchment scale: The case of the Save agricultural catchment (Southwestern France)

    Pesticides are a major source of pollution for ecosystems. In agricultural catchments, ponds serve as buffer areas for pesticide transfers and biogeochemical hotspots for pesticide dissipation. Some studies have highlighted the specific impact of ponds on the dynamics of pesticides, but knowledge of their cumulative effect at the watershed scale is scarce. Hence, using a modelling approach, we assessed the cumulative role of ponds in pesticide transfer in an agricultural basin (Southwest of France, 1110 km2 ). The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used to model the Save basin, including 197 ponds selected with a Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding Model based on their pesticide interception capacities. The daily discharge, the suspended sediment loads and two herbicide loads (i.e. S-metolachlor and aclonifen) in dissolved and particulate phases were accurately simulated from January 2002 to July 2014 at a daily time step. The presence of ponds resulted in a yearly mean reduction at the watershed outlet of respectively 61 % and 42 % of aclonifen and S-metolachlor fluxes compared to the simulations in the absence of ponds. Sediment-related processes were the most efficient for pesticide dissipation, leading to a mean dissipation efficiency by ponds of 51.0 % for aclonifen and 34.4 % for S-metolachlor. (Mathilde Joffre) 08 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04564094] « Responsabiliser » les usagers face à leurs déchets : variations autour d’un mot d’ordre politique

    [...] (Kevin Caillaud) 30 Apr 2024
  • [hal-04580036] Restoring surface water quality: quantitative assessment of the performance of agrienvironmental trajectories for mitigating pesticide concentrations

    [...] (Odile Phelpin) 19 May 2024
  • [hal-04616188] Préserver l’avenir de nos forêts : ce que peut apporter la recherche

    [...] (Arnaud Sergent) 20 Jun 2024
  • [hal-04550774] Households’ willingness-to-pay for different strategies aimed at reducing water supply network dysfunctions. A French case-study

    Using an original contingent valuation, this study compares the Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) of households for three water pipes renewal programs focused respectively on water quality, reducing leaks in networks and preventing breaks. A survey was conducted in southwest France: respondents were asked to rank the different renewal programs and then state the maximum amount they would be willing to pay in order to benefit from each. Results of a Heckman model suggest that variables influencing the probability of refusing to pay for a non-economic reason and the WTP differ from one program to another, which validates this choice of model. WTP estimates are not of the same order of magnitude whatever the program, and remained relatively low when compared to the actual water bill. While asset management is often only seen as an activity calling for specialised technical knowledge, users are able to perceive the outcome of that management process. (Bénédicte Rulleau) 18 Apr 2024
  • [hal-04550940] A meso-political economy of how climate issues impact regulation: the case of the wood industry in France

    This article sets out to analyse how and why the wood industry in France has recently responded to various calls for its economic models to fit better with the demands of climate change and ecological transition. By adopting a ‘politics of industry’ approach to the linkages between business practices and their regulation by the European Union, the state, and regional authorities, it unpacks the structuration of this industry, then examines the political work undertaken either to change or conserve it. The study draws upon interviews with public, private, and collective actors from throughout the industry, documentary analysis, and observation of stakeholder meetings. First, we show that in this industry, access to markets and to its factors of production (natural and financial capital) has indeed become increasingly driven by environmental criteria and practices of ecological planning. Second, however, the industry is still struggling to make its productive models fit with an institutional order that has only partially transitioned in this direction. In endeavouring to make productive models and this institutional order match up, key actors in the industry are still working politically to reach three objectives that are often contradictory: (i) build cohesion within the industry aligned with decarbonization ambitions, (ii) re-organize value chains that respond to calls for more national sovereignty for wood, and (iii) maintain ties between a productivist model that has taken on board ecological constraints and another, essentially conservationist, one which still resists change to the very definition of the overall objectives of the industry. (Sergent Arnaud) 18 Apr 2024
  • [hal-04541462] Évaluation de la performance globale d’une exploitation agricole et Analyse des performances globales des exploitations viticoles bio et non-bio

    [...] (Frédéric Zahm) 10 Apr 2024
  • [hal-04638861] Modeling the Failures and Decommissioning of Water Mains and Water Service Lines with Time-Dependent Factors

    Modeling the pipe failure phenomenon is essential for any water utility. The linear extension of the Yule process (LEYP), pro-posed in 2009, was intended to be a synthesis of the pipe failure models available at the time. Since then, two major improvements have beenproposed. First, in 2012 and 2014, several papers introduced time-dependent factors into the LEYP model. Second, in 2016, the LEYP withSelective Survival (LEYP2s) was proposed to deal with the selective survival bias. The objectives of this paper were (1) from a theoreticalpoint of view, to show how temporal covariates also can be introduced into the LEYP2s model; and (2) from a practical point of view, to provethe feasibility and interest of a LEYP2s model with time-dependent variables, using a case study. The mathematical consequences of takinginto account temporal factors within the LEYP2s model are presented, together with the solutions found that allow the calculation of themodel likelihood and thus the estimation of the model parameters. These solutions were applied to the black polyethylene service linenetwork of the city of Bordeaux, France. Three time-dependent covariates were considered: air temperature, pressure regime, and typeof disinfectant. This case study proved the feasibility of a LEYP2s model with temporal variables. The results showed that the time-dependentfactors considered did not improve the ranking of the service lines, but did improve the annual prediction of the network failure rate (A. Brusques) 08 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04516882] An Environmental History of the Plantation System on the Island of La Réunion (1638–1960)

    How is an island different from a continent? This question was asked at a key moment in the development of a project. The answers were very varied and familiar: the distance from the mainland, sometimes the ultra-periphery; being surrounded by the sea; the micro-society that is created... But on the island of La Réunion, we realised a cruel answer related to the past of slavery: you can’t run far away. An island is also a closed place for animal and especially plant species. This explains the high rate of endemicity found there. Today this island is a tourist destination where many people want to go. The island’s paradigm shift is another sign of the success of social and environmental change and the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of La Réunion. (Philippe Holstein) 22 Mar 2024
  • [hal-04572638] Un jumeau numérique pour l’adaptation résiliente et durable des réseaux d’eau

    Mené à partir de canaux cyber et/ou physiques, l'aqua-terrorisme vise à compromettre la disponibilité et la qualité de l'eau potable avec des conséquences directes à l’échelle des populations et de la ville. Aujourd'hui, avec la révolution numérique, la résilience d’un réseau de distribution d'eau (RDE) est liée à la sécurité du système d'information (SI) interconnecté. La détection des défaillances et les contre-mesures appropriées dépendent non seulement de la conception du RDE, mais aussi de l'intégrité du SI, composé du réseau de capteurs, du système de surveillance et de leurs données. Les solutions du projet CoRREau intègrent un « jumeau numérique » connecté aux observations en temps réel et construit à partir d’un modèle hydraulique de RDE, d’une part, et une « ombre numérique » entraînée puis activée à partir de traces du réseau informatique, d'autre part. Les contributions mutuelles du jumeau numérique à la détection d’anomalies, et celle de l’ombre numérique à la résilience globale des deux infrastructures seront analysées, pour préparer un jumeau numérique complet intégrant les deux systèmes. L’optimisation multi-objectifs pour la conception optimale et/ou la détection d’anomalies sera traitée par algorithmes génétiques. Les études de cas sont basées sur des scénarios d'intérêt proposés par le service des eaux d’Eurométropole Strasbourg en France. (Olivier Piller) 11 May 2024
  • [hal-04524607] Assessing farm sustainability: the IDEA4 method, a conceptual framework combining dimensions and properties of sustainability

    This article presents the conceptual framework for assessing farm sustainability using the IDEA4 method. IDEA4 combines a dual assessment approach based on sustainable agriculture objectives and the properties of sustainable farming systems. It is rooted in the domains of strong sustainability, strong agroecology and the multifunctionality of agriculture. It takes into account the overall issues of sustainable agriculture. This conceptual framework has been used to construct 53 indicators for analysing farm sustainability using two complementary approaches. The first assesses sustainability by organising these 53 indicators according to the 3 normative dimensions of sustainable development (agroecological, socio-territorial, economic), structured into 13 components. This assessment relies on a scoring system based on 100 sustainability units for each of the 3 dimensions, which cannot offset each other. The second approach is used to assess sustainability by organising the same 53 indicators according to the 5 properties of sustainable agricultural systems (ability to produce and reproduce goods and services, autonomy, robustness, territorial embeddedness, and overall responsibility), which are arranged in a tree structure with 15 branches. Indicators are aggregated in a qualitative and hierarchical manner using the DEXi tool. The exploratory potential of the concept of the properties of sustainable systems encourages a transdisciplinary approach for assessing farms. IDEA4’s theoretical framework is now complemented by three information technology (IT) tools, which means that the method can be used to a much greater extent to support the agroecological transition. (Frédéric Zahm) 28 Mar 2024
  • [hal-04638781] Improving monitoring and management methods is of the utmost importance in countries at risk of invasion by the pinewood nematode

    The invasive pine wood nematode is a major threat to pine forests worldwide, causing extensive tree mortality. Although scientific knowledge and control measures are continuously improving, important gaps remain. We argue that some key questions, notably related to early detection and pest management, need to be urgently tackled in countries at risk of invasion such as France. (Christelle Robinet) 08 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04564093] Les services publics saisis par leurs usagers : architecture morale et débordements de services

    [...] (Kevin Caillaud) 30 Apr 2024
  • [hal-04638734] Using multi-actor labs as a tool to drive sustainability transitions in coastal-rural territories: Application in three European regions

    Evidence on the efficacy of impacts from real-world experiments in triggering transformative processes is still scarce. This study evaluates multi-actor labs to provide examples of direct impacts of real-world experiments in tackling long-standing, local, sustainability challenges.Multi-actor labs (MALs), a form of real-world social experiments, were implemented in three coastal-rural regions in France (Charente River Basin), Spain (Mar Menor), and Greece (South-West Messinia) to better assess and tackle coastal-rural interactions that govern local sustainability challenges, such as water use conflicts and biodiversity degradation. The MALs used participative methodologies based on systems thinking and transition management. Stakeholders were continuously engaged in a series of workshops to co-produce knowledge, reach a common understanding of the sustainability challenges and issues at stake, and co-design solutions in the form of a roadmap for sustainable transitions in coastal-rural regions. This paper evaluates MALs to provide examples of successful sustainability transition experiments based on the outputs produced, outcomes achieved, and processes used in the three coastal, rural regions. (Alice Guittard) 08 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04572642] CoRREau - Résilience par la Conception et Sécurité des Réseaux d'Eau

    Le projet CoRREau cherche à protéger un réseau de distribution d'eau potable et ses données contre les attaques de sécurité qui le menacent. Les solutions intègrent un « jumeau numérique » construit à partir d’un modèle physique et une « ombre numérique » entraînée à partir de traces du système d’information (SI). (Olivier Piller) 11 May 2024
  • [hal-04524718] Performance sociale et durabilité d’une exploitation agricole : Apports du cadre théorique IDEA4 pour évaluer la performance sociale élargie en agriculture.

    Illustration à partir de 1er résultats issus de la plateforme WEB-IDEA : Agriculture biologique versus Autres modes de production (Sydney Girard) 28 Mar 2024
  • [hal-04508457] Coupe rase, histoire d’une pratique sylvicole controversée. De l’éloge à l’anathème (1945-2015) (partie 2)

    Après la seconde Guerre mondiale, la modernisation des techniques de sylviculture banalise la coupe rase transformant profondément les paysages ruraux. Dans les années 1960, de nouveaux mouvements sociaux contestent cette orientation et souhaitent une meilleure prise en compte de l’environnement. Si l’intégration paysagère des coupes rases permet d’apaiser les conflits dans les années 1990, cette solution ne répond que partiellement à une demande d’écologisation des pratiques sylvicoles. L’augmentation de la récolte de bois dans les années 2010 pose à nouveau la question de la place de la coupe rase dans les itinéraires sylvicoles. Acte technique, elle devient aussi un marqueur politique. (Philippe Deuffic) 18 Mar 2024
  • [hal-04504697] Coupe rase, histoire d’une pratique sylvicole controversée. Les prémices de la contestation (XVIIe-XIXe siècles) (partie 1)

    Symbole d’un monopole décisionnel des forestiers, la coupe rase est devenue au fil du temps une pratique controversée. Seuls à décider des règles d’exécution de cet acte technique au XVIIe siècle, les forestiers doivent transiger avec une nouvelle élite intellectuelle au XIXe siècle. Celle-ci porte en effet de nouvelles valeurs et représentations esthétiques de l’espace forestier en rupture avec la vision technique classique. Si ce mouvement de protestation obtient des concessions avec la création de réserves artistiques, le principe de la coupe rase demeure, laissant la porte ouverte à de futures contestations. Messages clés :• La coupe rase est devenue une pratique publiquement controversée au cours du XIXe siècle.• La rationalisation et modernisation de cette technique va accentuer les tensions au cours du XXe siècle.• Ces tensions témoignent d’une divergence progressive des représentations sociales de la forêt entre forestiers et usagers. (Philippe Deuffic) 14 Mar 2024
  • [hal-04494323] Pesticides. Le confort de l’ignorance - François Dedieu, Seuil, 2022, 391 p.

    [...] (Jacqueline Candau) 07 Mar 2024
  • [hal-04539684] Étude comparée en ergonomie pour comprendre la chaîne de déterminants de l’exposition aux pesticides : cas du travail d’agriculteurs québécois et français

    Les résultats présentés dans ce chapitre montrent qu’il est possible, par une approche de recherche-intervention en ergonomie, de documenter les expositions réelles et d’investir la chaîne de déterminants de ces expositions au-delà des exploitations agricoles. La recherche-intervention, en investissant des macros déterminants de l’exposition aux pesticides, permet ainsi de saisir la complexité du travail. Elle lève également le voile sur la dimension prescrite du travail, celle qui se construit au-delà du niveau décisionnel des exploitations et qui tend à responsabiliser les agriculteurs de leurs expositions. Finalement, l'analyse comparée démontre que des pomiculteurs québécois et des viticulteurs français sont contraints par des déterminants similaires. Ainsi, des réflexions internationales semblent nécessaires pour avancer sur des pistes d’actions communes en prévention. L'ergonomie cherchant alors à mailler des liens avec d'autres disciplines en sciences humaines et sociales (par ex.: sociologie, anthropologie, droit, économie) peut être mobilisée pour comprendre le contexte éloigné des exploitations. En investissant les déterminants du travail qui s’organisent à l’échelle des territoires, l'ergonomie peut contribuer à des actions de transformation visant à réduire les expositions des personnes en activité sans se limiter à la fenêtre du travail des agriculteurs. (Caroline Jolly) 09 Apr 2024
  • [halshs-04497961] When decarbonization rhymes with industrialization. The political dilemmas of increasing wood usage within the French construction industry

    [...] (Arnaud Sergent) 11 Mar 2024
  • [hal-04384330] How ocean beach recreational quality fits with safety issues? An analysis of risky behaviours in France

    Beaches are highly attractive environments providing a wealth of recreational services. However, many people drown unintentionally on beaches worldwide. In the face of these dangers, the establishment of supervised swimming areas remains one of the most effective preventive measures. Despite the risk of drowning, many beachgoers choose to recreate outside supervised areas or at unpatrolled beaches. Based on a representative survey of 240 beachgoers living in the southwest of France, we combine variable clustering method and logistic regressions to predict risky location choices. Surfers, anglers and beachgoers who practice beach sports are more likely to go outside the lifeguard supervised areas at patrolled beaches than those who do not. Collecting shells or having a picnic also encourages people to go to unsafe places more often. Individuals who do not like facilities are more likely to go to unpatrolled beaches. Neither gender nor the distance travelled to recreate at the beach has any significant statistical influence in the models. Two types of information seeking behaviours can be identified. Individuals who like waves and collect marine and weather information before going to the beach are more likely than others to bath outside of patrolled areas. In comparison, those who do not like waves do not necessarily seek to improve their knowledge base on the subject, but instead look for more detailed information on supervision/lifesaving patrols. These results highlight the need for a broader beach safety perspective with stronger interactions between lifeguards, beachgoers, and designers of recreational facilities. Management implications: In this study, we demonstrated how preferences regarding outdoor recreation and beach recreational quality indirectly cause beachgoers to expose themselves to danger. It's therefore necessary to design recreational facilities that encourage people to remain in supervised, patrolled areas. It is also important to build a comprehensive beach safety perspective that includes lifeguards', recreational facilities designers' as well as beachgoers' representations and practices. On unpatrolled beaches, the time needed for rescuers to arrive may be delayed. Surfers and anglers who go to unpatrolled beaches more often than others could act as by stander rescuers if properly trained. The results underline the need to rethink widespread communication and prevention policy design. The findings show that people who declared themselves informed about marine weather conditions before coming to the beach are more likely than others to bathe outside supervised areas. (Jeoffrey Dehez) 12 Jan 2024
  • [hal-04464812] Une approche constructiviste et territoriale pour développer la connaissance et la reconnaissance des micro-fermes. Exemple du programme de recherche-action MicroAgri en Gironde

    Né de la rencontre d’habitants girondins engagés dans différentes sphères sociales (enseignants-chercheurs de différentes disciplines, acteurs associatifs et entrepreneuriaux, responsables de micro-fermes), le programme de recherche-action MicroAgri (Gironde) ouvre le champ d’observation des micro-fermes. Elles ne se définissent plus uniquement à travers le système de production maraîcher, une surface inférieure aux standards et un lien à l’espace urbain. Pour adopter cette perspective élargie, l’insertion territoriale du programme facilitée par celle de ses membres ainsi que son fonctionnement multi-partenariale s’est révélée utile. Cet article met en avant l’intérêt de nos travaux par l’originalité de l’approche scientifique mobilisée (une recherche-action collaborative, territorialisée et constructiviste) et la pertinence des outils développés pour la collecte et la mise en forme des données (recensement participatif et portraits de ferme). Le recensement participatif permet de décrire la diversité des systèmes de production. Les fiches « portrait » facilitent la compréhension du fonctionnement des fermes et leur traduction spatiale (imbrication entre individu – système de production – territoire). (Damien Toublant) 19 Feb 2024
  • [hal-04483875] Racialisation et travail agricole en France : une étude en cours

    [...] (Kristin Reynolds) 29 Feb 2024
  • [hal-04350500] The role of surfers in beach safety management: Insights from French respondents to a global surfer survey

    Coastal locations are a leading contributor to the global drowning burden. Despite being a known risk-reduction measure, a significant proportion of beachgoers continue to bathe outside of lifeguard-patrolled areas placing themselves at increased risk of beach hazards such as rip currents and breaking waves. Under such conditions, recreational surfers represent a potentially important role as bystander rescuers although little is known about surfers' relationship to safety. In this study, we analyze surfer beach safety knowledge and behaviors using a sample of 569 French surfers, drawn from a Global Surfer Survey. Using pair wised comparisons and multivariate analysis, surfer characteristics as rescuers and as victims are investigated as well as their willingness to learn new safety skills. In our survey, 55.9% of French surfers self reported having previously conducted a rescue. We show that experienced and highly skilled surfers have a higher probability of performing a rescue than other surfers, but having completed ocean lifeguard training has no statistical influence. Having previously experienced injury seems beneficial both to act as a rescuer, but also in improving a surfers own safety. As victims, surfers appear to be calmer and less often in trouble with rip currents as others, such as swimmers. Compared to non surfers, surfers were less likely to be able to walk away and more likely to require medical assistance nevertheless. In the survey, 88.4% of the respondents were willing to take part in a course aimed at lifesaving and rescue skills for surfers, whether freely provided or not. Younger surfers (under 24 years) are more willing to acquire formal safety skills than other age groups. On the contrary, having alreadly performed a rescue has no statistical influence on the willingness to attend training sessions. Despite the significant involvement of surfers in saving lives in the coastal environment, there remains a need to encourage collaboration between local surfers and other stakeholders officially in charge of beach safety management. (Jeoffrey Dehez) 18 Dec 2023
  • [hal-04469303] Partie 1. Evaluation des performances globales de systèmes viticoles en Bordelais et de scénarios en transition agroécologique (Contexte et méthodologie)

    Les enjeux de la transition agroécologique pour les vignobles sont essentiels, compte tenu de la forte pression des pesticides appliqués en vue de leur protection phytosanitaire. Cela implique des changements majeurs dans les systèmes de production viticole afin de satisfaire aux besoins de forte réduction de ces intrants. Afin d’apporter des références techniques et pratiques sur les performances de systèmes en agroécologie, nous avons construit et évalué des scénarios grâce à des analyses multicritères pour l’aide à la décision. (Francis Macary) 20 Feb 2024
  • [hal-04538288] Regulatory, accompanying, and collective governance? The challenges of re-orientating environmental-economic interdependencies in two French ports

    How small/medium-sized (SM) commercial ports act politically matters for localecological transformation facing increasing climate and socio-environmentalfailures and dilemmas. In this spirit, we compared the environmental public actionof two SM ports in southwestern France–La Rochelle and Bayonne–facing twosets of dilemmas: (i) how to tackle problems emerging from past choices; (ii) how toresolve issues arising from‘choosing the future today’. Whereas global scientificassessments highlight regulatory, accompanying and collective approaches as highconfidence ones towards ecological transformation, more technologically resourcedscenarios (without economic behavioural change governance) are available to SMports. Furthermore, although political processes of territorialisation, democratisationand ecologisation have reconfigured environmental authority for both public actorsand SM ports in France, there is nothing inevitable about how different categoriesof public (and private) actor may work together. Our results reflect these tensions.Both SM ports have engaged to institutionalise regulatory, accompanying andcollective environmental public action, and portray new approaches as indicative oftheir acknowledged responsibility. Nevertheless, important contradictions muddythe ecologisation trajectories their key actors claim to be taking. Overall, the studyhighlights that transformed governance alone does not guarantee that actors havefully embarked upon a newly transformative trajectory. (Caitriona Carter) 09 Apr 2024
  • [hal-04564104] L'actuelle politique de protection et de préservation de l'eau ressemble à une pièce de théâtre

    [...] (Kevin Caillaud) 30 Apr 2024
  • [hal-04564090] Repenser les interdépendances entre les ressources, les services publics et les usagers de l'eau potable

    [...] (Kevin Caillaud) 30 Apr 2024
  • [hal-04468810] L'exposition aux pesticides : sciences de la santé et sciences humaines et sociales en discussion

    [...] (Agossè Nadège Degbelo) 20 Feb 2024
  • [hal-04396344] A robust simulator of pressure-dependent consumption in Python

    Abstract Modeling of pressure-dependent users’ consumption is mandatory to simulate accurately the hydraulics of water distribution networks (WDNs). Several software solutions already exist for this purpose, but none of them actually permits the easy integration and testing of new physical processes. In this paper, we propose a new Python simulator that implements a state-of-the-art pressure-dependent model (PDM) of users’ consumptions based on the Wagner’s pressure–outflow relationship (POR). We tested our simulator on eight large and complex WDNs, for different levels of users’ demands. The results show similar precision and efficiency to the ones obtained by the authors of the original model with their MATLAB implementation. Moreover, in case of fully satisfied users’ demands, our simulator provides the same results as EPANET 2.0 in comparable computational times. Finally, our simulator is integrated into the open-source, collaborative, multi-platform, and Git versioned Python framework OOPNET (Object-Oriented Python framework for water distribution NETworks analyses); thus, it can be easily reused and/or extended by a large community of WDN modelers. All this work represents a preliminary step before the incorporation of new processes such as valves, pumps, and pressure-dependent background leakage outflows. (Camille Chambon) 15 Jan 2024
  • [hal-04649464] Du loisir à l’apprentissage de la vulnérabilité de la nature : jardiner en ville pour renouveler les relations aux vivants, à Malmö (Suède)

    À partir du cadre théorique de l’éthique du care, cet article étudie dans quelle mesure les jardins associatifs offrent l’opportunité de tisser des liens avec la nature ordinaire, fondés sur l’attention et la responsabilité. Notre enquête ethnographique, fondée sur une observation participante conduite à Malmö (Suède) auprès d’un réseau local de jardinage urbain dans des quartiers défavorisés de la ville, et complétée par des entretiens semi-directifs, met en évidence que les jardins associatifs permettent un contact direct avec la nature et satisfont un besoin de relations à la nature pour les citadins et les citadines, qui peuvent développer une diversité de relations avec les plantes, dont des relations de soin. Cette enquête montre aussi que l’apprentissage de ces relations se fait par la pratique et grâce aux échanges avec les autres jardiniers et jardinières. Ces résultats soulignent l’importance, en ville, des espaces dédiés à l’apprentissage de relations complexes à l’égard de la nature, fondées sur l’attention aux interactions entre espèces et, d’autre part, l’importance des apprentissages sensoriels qui construisent des savoirs environnementaux. (Margaux Alarcon) 16 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04352371] Exposition aux pesticides

    À quoi renvoie la notion d’exposition quand elle est mobilisée par les sciences humaines et sociales et quelles méthodologies l’appréhendent ? Avec quels apports complémentaires aux sciences de la santé qui s’en sont saisies historiquement ? À partir d’une revue de littérature et d’études de cas dans des contextes culturels variés, cet ouvrage montre le caractère dynamique et multi-acteurs de la fabrique de l’exposition aux pesticides, notamment lors des activités humaines. Il propose une analyse critique des situations et des déterminants de l’exposition, des inégalités concomitantes et des moyens de prévention. Cet ouvrage est accessible à toutes les personnes qui veulent acquérir des connaissances sur les expositions aux pesticides et découvrir les possibilités d’aborder et de nourrir ce sujet par les sciences humaines et sociales (ergonomie, sociologie, droit, économie, géographie, anthropologie) : décideurs publics, scientifiques, professionnels et collectifs mobilisés en matière de santé. (Fabienne Goutille) 19 Dec 2023
  • [hal-04468762] Préface

    [...] (Carole Barthélémy) 20 Feb 2024
  • [hal-04628080] Report on Proceedings of the Workshop on Alternative Business Models for Pesticide Reduction

    Plant pests and diseases can cause considerable impacts on crop yields, and in turn food and feed security. Pesticides are one of the most frequent tools used to control or eliminate these pests and diseases playing a crucial role to assure food security. However, pesticide use also leads to undesired environmental and health impacts. The European Commission´s Joint Research Centre organized a workshop in November 2023 to explore innovative alternative business models that are emerging to facilitate reductions in pesticide use and risk while minimizing impacts in food security. This report summarizes the contributions presented at the workshop covering the legislative framework for pesticide reduction, theoretical considerations on pesticide reduction behaviour, examples of new technologies and business models being developed and insights from research on their potential to facilitate the transition to a low-pesticide use agriculture. The overall message stemming from the workshop is that outcome-based services and insurance policies can be key tool to enable farmers to achieve this reduction. However, the existing empirical evidence of the performance of these tools is still very scarce and these new business models still have to show their potential when upscaling from pre-commercial stage. (Yann Raineau) 28 Jun 2024
  • [hal-04639651] Denis (Jérôme), Pontille (David), Le soin des choses. Politique de la maintenance, Paris, La Découverte, 2022

    [...] (Kevin Caillaud) 09 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04368838] Territory, ecological transition and the changing governance of ports

    Territorialization and ecologization are deeply entwined processes. But what role do infrastructural actors such as ports play in governing their interconnections, especially following the liberalization of port governance? Focusing on La Rochelle in southwest France, we examined how this port developed a proactive governing strategy mutually conditioning ecological and territorial change. We applied an 'interdependency' approach to analyse port governing practice, understanding that the grasping of interdependency is a major challenge for effective transition governance. This approach drove research to investigate, of all possible interdependencies experienced by port actors, which ones were being selected and promoted by them for governance? We found that territorial interdependencies were being prioritized for governance in line with a narrative of climate, rather than biodiversity, transition. Further, by making connections between policy decisions taken at precise points along a land-sea gradient, actors greatly extended the territorial scope of port public action. But whilst political work over territorial interdependencies opened new spaces for climate governance (politicization), work over public/private interdependencies, essential for the construction of the port as a collective actor, depoliticized otherwise 'efficiency value-laden' policy choices. Consequently, our 'interdependency' approach both revealed the conditions under which a port can influence a complex territorial climate politics, and the extent to which its own internal port governance can influence certain transition choices over others and, potentially, certain territorial futures over others. (Caitriona Carter) 02 Jan 2024
  • [hal-04639779] First and Second Order Sensitivities of Steady-state Solutions to Water Distribution Systems

    First-order approximations have been used with some success for criticality analysis, sensitivity analysis of physical networks, such as water distribution systems, and uncertainty propagation of model parameters. Certain limitations have been reported regarding the accuracy of results, particularly when non-linearity is dominant. In this paper, we show how to efficiently derive the first and second order sensitivities with respect to the variation of their parameters. This makes it possible to improve the first order estimate when necessary. The method is illustrated on a small example system. (Olivier Piller) 09 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04590908] Développement et validation d'une méthode d'évaluation de la durabilité des exploitations agricoles. IDEA4, ses outils et ses usages

    Le projet ACTION a validé l’usage de la méthode IDEA4 (Indicateurs de Durabilité d’une Exploitation Agricole version 4) avec trois résultats majeurs : 1) sa capacité à être utilisée pour différents usages (enseignement, recherche conseil, accompagnement, action publique) et pour la majorité des systèmes (grandes cultures, élevages, arboriculture, viticulture et maraîchage), 2) son opérationnalité avec ses trois outils libres d’accès (calculateur Excel, IDEATools et plateforme WEB-IDEA), 3) la création d’une large communauté collaborative d’environ 300 utilisateurs d’IDEA4 (conseillers, enseignants, chercheurs et agriculteurs) ayant réalisé un peu plus de 800 diagnostics d’exploitation. Dans l’enseignement, sa double lecture de la durabilité (3 dimensions et 5 propriétés de la durabilité) renouvelle sa capacité pédagogique. En recherche, IDEA4 élargit les connaissances sur la durabilité des transitions. La future plateforme WEB- IDEA 2.0 ouvre la voie de l’open data national des données de la durabilité de la Ferme France. (Frédéric Zahm) 28 May 2024
  • [hal-04620244] Investigating beachgoer’s perception of coastal bathing risks in southwest France

    Sandy beaches offer numerous health and well-being benefits, but engaging in water-based recreational activities also exposes beachgoers to risks from natural hazards, such as rip currents and waves that break at the shoreline (shore break waves), which can result in fatal drownings and surf zone injuries. A contributing factor to these incidents is that individuals often misunderstand the risks they are exposed to. This study used a unique multidisciplinary database combining beachgoer surveys, marine and weather data and lifeguard hazards assessments to examine beachgoer’s risk perception at a beach located in southwest France. We identified a number of factors that can have potentially contradictory influences on beachgoers’ perceptions. Beachgoers’ perceived risk of rip current and shore break hazards increases with increasing wave height and increasing wave period. Tide level has a significant statistical influence on individuals’ perceived risk of the shore break wave hazard only. Beachgoers familiar with La Lette Blanche beach had higher rip current and shore break risk perceptions although regular recreational beach users (in general) tend to underestimate risks. Similarly, males and younger people express lower perceived risks compared to others. For a large number of environmental conditions, beachgoers perceive rip currents to be a greater risk than shore breaks wave risks although they tend to overestimate beach hazards compared to lifeguards. These results create new avenues for preventive communication, in particular by emphasizing the danger of shore breaks, and the specific nature of the risks on the beaches of south-west France. Some of these safety messages should communicated well before the beachgoers arrive at the beach. (Jeoffrey Dehez) 21 Jun 2024
  • [hal-04468791] Inégale liberté de parole en contexte d'exposition révélée. Enquête auprès de viticulteurs et de carottiers

    [...] (Agossè Nadège Degbelo) 20 Feb 2024
  • [hal-04404628] Spatial Patterns of Subjective Well-Being on the Aquitaine Coastline, France

    Well-Being, as a mutidimensional concept, has progressively become an essential measure to categorize territories and to evaluate and communicate on their economic, social and environmental performance. Especially, subjective measures are gaining increasing attention for policy makers. In this context, the spatial dimension of the concept of Subjective Well-Being (SWB) has not been sufficiently explored and remains a major challenge for researchers. This paper is an attempt to detect and explain spatial differentiations in the assessment of SWB. To this end, we propose an innovative clustering method (ClustGeo) adapted to the multidimensional analysis of SWB. The approach enables us to establish classes of perceived quality of life, and to highlight spatial patterns of the linkages between the structuring dimensions of SWB. It is applied empirically, using data on specific life domains, as perceived by the inhabitants of coastal municipalities in south-western France. The results highlight the spatial heterogeneity among individuals in relation to their perception of quality of life. Involving the spatial component in the measurement enables us to detect and identify local trends. The clustering builds a clear distinction of classes even on similar perimeters while identifying local particularities, thus showing that the variability of data is not necessarily and/or solely driven by geographic location. The possibilities offered by ClustGeo pave the way for further statistical developments in the combination of different types of data. (Vanessa Kuentz-Simonet) 19 Jan 2024
  • [hal-04573850] Accompagner les enseignants pour stimuler les apprentissages autour de la transition agroécologique : mobilisation de la méthode IDEA4 dans l’enseignement agricole

    L’enseignement agricole est fortement sollicité pour enseigner et accompagner la transition agroécologique, à travers notamment les plans « Enseigner à produire autrement ». Toutefois les résistances au changement sont multiples. Les enseignants, quand ils ne sont pas eux-mêmes porteurs de résistance, composent avec ces résistances, non sans difficultés, et explorent des stratégies pédagogiques pour aborder les questions de la durabilité. Dans le cadre de démarches d’accompagnement des équipes pédagogiques, lors de sessions de formation continue des enseignants à la méthode IDEA4 et un suivi pluriannuel, les auteurs analysent les stratégies pédagogiques déployées par les enseignants, et proposent ensuite des scénarisations-types de l’enseignement de la durabilité dans une perspective de transition, adaptées selon les filières de formation, le temps dédié à l’enseignement de la durabilité avec IDEA4, le niveau de mobilisation de l’équipe pédagogique et la présence d’une commande pédagogique professionnelle. L’enseignement de la durabilité et l’utilisation de la méthode IDEA4 dans une perspective d’accompagnement au changement nécessitent des vigilances pédagogiques et didactiques pour éviter des biais de segmentation ou l’absence de temps de problématisation et de réflexivité. (Christian Peltier) 13 May 2024
  • [hal-04638874] Exploring environmental justice in France: evidence, movements, and ideas

    This article explores the distinctiveness of French and francophone approaches to environmental justice. While off to a slow start, nvironmental justice research has received increased attention in France in the last 15 years. But there has been little to no attention to the French debates and movements in the English-language academic literature, with both bodies of knowledge largely evolving in parallel, conceptually and politically. This article attends to this gap by first taking stock of the empirical evidence of environmental injustices and inequalities in France. We then introduce some of the theoretical origins and discuss some of the main insights from the French literature in light of contemporary environmental justice scholarship. In so doing, our aim with this paper is to contribute to current scholarly efforts on diversifying the meanings and understandings of environmental justice in different academic and political contexts. (Brendan Coolsaet) 08 Jul 2024
  • [hal-04570712] Review of reduced-order models for online protection of water distribution networks

    This paper presents a review of reduced-order models (ROMs) and digital twins, with a primary focus on their application to water distribution networks (WDNs). Initially, we concentrate on the physical modeling of WDNs. Following this, we introduce relevant programming, specifically addressing WDNs and solving equations for extended-period simulations. The paper then explores various ROM methods outlined in existing literature. Lastly, we highlight recent initiatives in the implementation of digital twins and approaches aimed at reducing uncertainty. (Cheima Djemel) 07 May 2024
  • [hal-04639626] Il faut responsabiliser les usagers !

    [...] (Kevin Caillaud) 09 Jul 2024

Date de modification : 25 septembre 2023 | Date de création : 04 janvier 2021 | Rédaction : INRAE