Methods & Tools

Methods & Tools

The ETTIS research unit develops and provides stakeholders with a variety of tools and operational methods as part of its work.


  • IDEA4 method: Method for reporting on the sustainability of farms.
  • IMAS method: Integrated modelling of agricultural scenarios and spatial data warehouse for decision support


  • PORTEAU software for the modelling of pressurized water distribution or transport networks
  • CASSES software for the prediction of the number of breaks in a pipe network

Packages and R products

Statistical methods

  • Package {PCAmixdata} for multivariate analysis of mixed data
  • Package {ClustOfVar} for clustering variables
  • Package {ClustGeo} for clustering analysis with spatial constraints

Tools associated to methods

  • Package {IDEATools} associated to the IDEA4 method
  • Package {IDGF} associated with the IDGF biological index

Office applications

  • Excel calculator allowing the implementation of the IDEA4 method (provided on request by signing terms and conditions of use documents)

Modification date: 12 October 2023 | Publication date: 10 September 2021 | By: INRAE